A milestone in this journey is Man v Robot, a turn-based strategy game now live on my homepage. This test game marks a significant step forward in my creative path, transforming ideas into something tangible, interactive, and playable! Along the way, I learned the value of simplicity in game mechanics and best practices in C#, a language I started learning a couple of weeks ago. It also reinforced that progress matters more than perfection—releasing something “unfinished” is better than holding back.
Yesterday’s challenge was getting the game built with proper settings and running online. Without access to cPanel on my GoDaddy account, I had to find a workaround. After some headaches and fails, I wrote a custom Python script to run a local server that could accept .gz files. Once the build was working locally on my Chrome and Edge, I zipped it and uploaded it to the public_html directory, where it’s now live. The process tested my patience but reinforced my problem-solving skills and adaptability.
Man v Robot is more than just a game. It’s a reflection of growth, persistence, and creativity.
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