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Games I draw ideas from

I spent a few hours on game design. Taking a break.

I learned how to create a world environment. I can make a ground, 3D buildings, 3D characters holding objects, how to set coordinates of characters, how to differentiate between characters with mouseDown, and move them around the map.

I’m learning good habits in CSharp.

What will my first test game be?
Something I would enjoy playing. Would I turn my computer on to play this game. And if I want to play it, I bet other people will too.

What simple games have I liked?
Pac-man game on Nintendo was a recent favorite. What a simple, great concept.
Faceball on Super Nintendo. Outstanding game, great multiplayer, and before the internet for real multiplayer.
Tetris online. Try to be good at that for a humbling lesson, I watched in awe how fast some people process patterns.
Dragon Warrior/early Final Fantasy
Genghis Khan/Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Wizardy (NES gold version)

Simple, fun, GREAT games.

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